miércoles, 12 de diciembre de 2018

Changes to my study program

Hello everyone,

Today I am going to talk about the changes that could have the cinema and television studies program of the Universidad de Chile.  A few years ago, the study program of the race had some changes, but I am finishing my course with the old study program. I think the study program is deficient in some areas of filmmaking, such as sound, script and art direction. I think that the study program is very overloaded in some semesters, because we have several subjects shared with journalism students who, as film students, do not serve us as much for our job development. I also think that five years is a long time. We could study the same content in less years and more focused on the cinema. I think there are some teachers who have a very old vision of how to make movies, and when some student wants to innovate he is not given the space to try.  The cinema building I think is pretty good, but we have a serious problem of equipment deficits available for students. I think that most teachers use technology to make classes more interesting. As I mentioned earlier I think there are some teachers who have very old teaching methods. And they do not do anything to change them when the students propose to do so. I think it is not good that the cinema and television career is in the same journalism faculty, because I think it is isolated from the other artistic careers of the university, and cinema becomes something very communicational away from the artistic.

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lunes, 10 de diciembre de 2018

Summer Plans

Hello everyone,
Today i´m going to talk about my summer plans. I still do not know what i´m going to do. But i would like to make the outlook most boring for all: Work. Because is my first summer being professional. The summer its the moment for get a stable job.
Like my plan is very boring im talk about the really would like. I love the beach, i would like travell with my parents, because they every years holidays in the beach. Preferably in the north of Chile. Coquimbo, Bahía Inglesa, Iquique among others.
I would like my really vacations to travell in winter vacation. I would like to know Dominican Republic because i love the caribean and the last time i was see diferent movies this country and i need know the places. Although no one belives i like the weather. Some times ago i was in Cuba and Mexico and i do not mind the heat. The landscape is so beautiful the heat is forgetten.
Also i would like travell to San Pedro de Atacama. I was in San Pedro but i was very young and i dont remember so much. I know i was for the photograpy. I would like to return because i think San Pedro is the most beautiful landscape this country.
The summer is my favorite season, because i like the sun, the sea, the pool, the beach, the sand, the days most long.

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Hi everyone.
Today I'm going to talk about music. In particular of the music that I like.

I do not have a favorite genre of music and I like to listen to many styles. One of the classic artists that I like most is Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds. I love his music since I was very young and the first time I heard it was in a movie. From there I was delighted. Also this year in October they were giving a concert in Chile and it is one of the best concerts of my life. Another artist that I like very much is Madame Gandhi, an artist who started her soloist career recently, after being the drummer of MIA and Kehlani. His musical genre is linked to the electronic. Madame Gandhi is also a producer and feminist activist. I met this artist because she came to Chile to give a talk during the music festival Ruidosa. From there I loved her and her music.
Another artist that I like a lot and that is different from the previous ones is Sia. A singer
more linked to pop and who starts her career as a composer of other super pop stars like Rihanna.

I really like the performance that he does in each of his video clips. Also, I really like the songs he made with his new band: LSD, a cooperation with Labrinth and Diplo. They have four songs and they are incredibly sticky.

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lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2018

Postgraduate Studies

Hello everyone, today i´m going talk about my future postgraduate studie. I would like improve in the documentary film maker. Because i´m studied cinema and tv for five years in the Universidad de Chile and my favorite course is the documentary. I would like study master in the documentary, courses the documentary production, direction documentary, photography for documentary, all the film maker documentary. but i do not know where like stady. The Universidad de Chile have a master documentary, but i think stady in the same university its very boring because i would find the same teachers, the same persons, the same partners, the same building, even the same food.
For the above i would like study in other country preferably in latin america, even though my first option is Cuba, San Antonio de los Baños University. but i like also Uruguay, national university, Colombia or Argentina. My best scenario is give a scholarship, but i working same part-time, because the life it very expensive and there much to know. I like the latin america for many reason, but an important reason is the language. because i hate the english language.
After that my plan it travel to europa, just to know not to study :) 

lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2018

My future job.

My future job. 

Hi everybody! Today i´m talking about my future job. 
At the present student my last year in the university. The next years i would like job in the cinema collective. The collective its diferent at the film production company, because in the first the ideas, desicion and job is in group. The second option the job is for area. its less collective. I like the documentary and i like dedicate all my time have documentary films.

The years in the university i was have directing the short films and i like.
I prefer job in outdoors. Because i like the documentary and the street its the best stage. In the year i have my profesional practice and works in the office the most time. its stressful and boring.I like the action. 

I´m really like travel a lot in my job, search for the increible histories. 
I need the salary for i survive for now. But its relative. I like need money for travel and make my proyects. 
I studing cine, film production. In the Universidad de Chile, Campus Juan Gomez Millas. 
i´m really like my career, but i´m not segure the job, its uncertain. I think the profesional world be contaminate. I have a hope the next profesional generation it people most healthy.    

Thank for reading. 

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lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2018

Paris is burnig

Hello, welcome to my new post. Today i will write about the last movie that saw. "Paris is burning" is a documentary of the year 1990. Jennie Levingston its the director. Explore the world of a transvestite group in New York. In this movie the gay community shows its extragavant artist. I very liked the film, because explore a group from the society excluded in this moment, even prohibited. Also i like the camera treatment because i feel very nearby with the audience.
My favorite character this movie is Willi Ninja, a dancer and choreographer known as the godfather of voguing.
The one thing i like about the film is the tour with the characteres for the night. And one thing i didn´t like its not exist the second part from the movie :(
I have two scenes or moment favorites, the firts is the dancing scene, because i see the glamour and talents the characters. Mi second moment favorite its the interview from the characters because its a contrast with the firts moment and its a very emotional time.
I recommend the movie, its very entertainig and emotional. Available in Netflix.

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