lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2018

Postgraduate Studies

Hello everyone, today i´m going talk about my future postgraduate studie. I would like improve in the documentary film maker. Because i´m studied cinema and tv for five years in the Universidad de Chile and my favorite course is the documentary. I would like study master in the documentary, courses the documentary production, direction documentary, photography for documentary, all the film maker documentary. but i do not know where like stady. The Universidad de Chile have a master documentary, but i think stady in the same university its very boring because i would find the same teachers, the same persons, the same partners, the same building, even the same food.
For the above i would like study in other country preferably in latin america, even though my first option is Cuba, San Antonio de los Baños University. but i like also Uruguay, national university, Colombia or Argentina. My best scenario is give a scholarship, but i working same part-time, because the life it very expensive and there much to know. I like the latin america for many reason, but an important reason is the language. because i hate the english language.
After that my plan it travel to europa, just to know not to study :) 

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